for travelersRecommended Sites

For safe travels in Japan

Some sites we recommend for foreign travelers although multilingual support is being promoted in Japan, it is still insufficient.
In particular, foreign travelers often feel inconvenienced by the fact that English is often not spoken.We hope that you will make good use of these sites and enjoy your trip to Japan with peace of mind!

1. Japan the Official Guide

You can check information to help you travel safely in Japan.

When you get sick while traveling this website is useful for receiving medical care in Japan when the time comes.
It provides useful information such as searching for medical institutions, overseas insurance, and consultation services. Multilingual support is available.


2. Japan Travel by NAVITIME

Application for foreign tourists visiting Japan. It provides functions such as searching for sightseeing spots in Japan, route map transfers and free Wi-Fi spots in English.


 3. Japan Official Travel App

It is multilingual and has a wealth of information for foreigners. There is lots of information on events, tourist attractions, wi-fi spots, duty free stores and restaurants.

4.Halal Gourmet Japan

Site for Muslims. Although there are restaurants from many different countries in Japan, it is difficult to find a Halal restaurant. With this site, Muslims can rest assured that they can find a restaurant that serves Halal food!

Halal Gourmet Japan: 

Additional Information

Although the coronavirus has settled down in Japan and the requirement to wear masks has been removed, many Japanese still wear masks when going out. In particular, wearing a mask is recommended when using trains and hospitals. Masks are still sold at convenience stores and drugstores. 


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