You can buy many kinds of medicine at your nearest drug store in Japan. Usually, the pharmacy is mainly handling Rx medicine. Contrary, the drug store is primarily handling the OTC drug.
So, in this article, I will introduce some OTC medicines that useful for the stomach and intestines.
However, you should consult the staff before you buy it.
▼Last time I introduced some pain killer▼
7 OTC Pain Killer That You Can Buy in Pharmacy
Kinds of that drugs
So, the medicine that useful for the stomach and intestines categorized for four categories.
- Suppress gastric acid
- Balancing stomach and intestines
- Helping digestion
- Preserving stomach mucous
Also, there have some medicines that combined several above effects such as "Ota Isan," "Daiichi Sankyo Ichoyaku," and "Kyabejin Kowa."
Cause of stomach pain is not only for one reason, but it may involve several reasons. But if it's mainly from your stress, I recommend you to take gastric acid suppressant or preserving stomach mucous medicine. It's not coming from stress but mostly from overeating? Then I advised you to choose the medication that includes helping digestion and balancing the stomach and intestines.
If you have diarrhea symptoms, it's right for you to take Chinese medicine, "Seirogan," "Biofermin," or "The Guard."
For temporary irregularity, it is good to take magnesium oxide or Chinese medicine. For chronic or severe one, it's sufficient to take Chinese medicine or "Colac." However, if you have both diarrhea and irregularity, you should see the doctor.
Medicine gastritis/Hyperacidity/dyspepsia.
Gaster10(Main ingredients: famotidine)

One of the Japanese famous stomach and intestines medicine call "Gaster 10," It's suppressing stomach acid by famotidine. It has two types of amount, six tablets or 12 tablets. Price is 1000 JPY (6 tablets one) and 1700 JPY (12 tablets one).
It will suppress stomach acid, so when you overeat, it will help you to relieve the pain, and this will affect quickly.
If it includes famotidine in other medicine, it will affect the same. Sometimes that one gets cheaper than Gaster 10, so you should check the price.
This drug is classed as Class 1 medicine so you can only buy this medicine through the pharmacist. Also, before you get this medicine, you need to get a consultation from them.
If you have stomach pain or overeat, take one pill. If you pass 8 hours from the last dose, you can choose one more pill.
This medicine might interact with other medicine because this medicine categorized as H2 Blocker, so if you are taking other medication, you should consult with your doctor.
Stomach pain and overeating
【Dose instruction】
From 15 years old to 79 years old: Can take one pill per dose, and maximum dose per day is two. If you take two treatments, you should wait 8 hours from the last dose.
Younger than 15 years old or older than 80 years old: You should not take this medicine.
If you are not feeling better after you take this medicine more than three days, stop taking medication and you should consult with your doctor or pharmacist.
Daiichi Sankyo Stomach Medicine

This one has ingredients that suppressing stomach acid and helping digestion and Chinese Medicine. Thus, this one is good for many kinds of stomach problem such as stomach pain, overeat, digestion problem.
This medicine has two types of form: Tablet and powder. Each dose packs powder one.
This medicine is classed as Class 2 medicine so you can buy this one in many drug stores, even without pharmacist.
However, if you have glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, or problem with urination, you should take caution with taking this medicine. You can consult with your doctor, pharmacist, or registered seller.
【Useful with these symptoms】
●Overeat, drink too much or loss appetite.
●Stomach pain or excessive stomach acid
●Digestion problem
【Dose instruction for tablet one】
Follow these dose and take with water.
Fifteen years old or older: Take three tablets after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Between 11 years old and 15 years old: Take two tablets after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Younger than 11 years old: Do not take this medication.
【Dose instruction for powder one】
Follow these dose and take with water.
Fifteen years old or older: Take one pack after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Between 11 years old and 15 years old: Take 2/3 pack after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Between 8 years old and 11 years old: Take 1/2 pack after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Between 5 years old and eight years old: Take 1/3 pack after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Between 3 years old and five years old: Take 1/4 pack after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Younger than three years old: Do not take this medication.
Taisho Kampo Stomach Medication

Taisho Stomach Medication K is famous for Chinese Stomach Medication in Japan.
This medicine included Shakuyaku-Kanzoto and Anchusan, which is suitable for stomach pain and excessive stomach acid. Therefore, this one is better for stomach pain coming from stress.
This medicine has two types that are weaker and stronger. Yellow-colored box one is weaker, and a white one is stronger for stomach pain.
These medicine categorized with Class 2 Medicine.
【Better with these symptoms】
Stomach pain, overeating, excessive stomach acid, nausea.
【Dose instruction】
Follow below instruction and take before you eat breakfast/lunch/dinner with water (but not hot water).
Fifteen years old or older: Take three-pack after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Between 5 years old and 15 years old: Take 1/2 pack after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Younger than five years old: Do not take this medicine.
Kyabejin KOWA α

This one is widespread stomach medication and long seller one.
This one will repair stomach mucous, suppress stomach acid, and adjusting stomach condition. The beefsteak plant provides these, so if you don't like that smell, it might not fit with you. This drug categorized with Class 2 medicine.
It has two types of form: Tablet(Contained in the glass or contained in a small case for carrying) and powder.
【Good for below symptoms】
Stomach pain, overeating, overdrinking, nausea, excessive stomach acid, and helping digestion.
【Dose instruction】
Fifteen years old or older: Take one pack with water after breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Between 11 years old and 15 years old: Take 2/3 pack with water after breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Between 8 years old and 11 years old: Take 1/2 pack with water after breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Younger than eight years old: Do not take this medicine.

This one has two types of forms: Packed for each dose and packed in one can and take doses by using the spoon.
One can one is better on the cost performance.
You can buy this one in many drug store since this one categorized in Class 2 medicine.
This one will neutralize stomach acid, helping digestion and suppress stomach acid through Chinese medicine.
Good for these symptoms:
General stomach problem.
Dose instruction:
Take 1.3 g per each dose for 15 years old or older. You can take it up to three times per day.
Take 0.65 g per each dose for between 8~14 years old. You can take it up to three times per day.
For the children who are younger than eight years old, do not take this medicine.
You should take this medicine after you eat food with the water.
This medication also selling in the following countries (As of March 2015):
Hong Kong
United States of America
Medicine for intestinal disorders
New Biofermin S

This one is one of the most popular medications for intestinal disorders. This one will adjust stomach condition by the lactic acid. This one has two forms that are tablet and powder. Powder one is suitable for your baby.
Fixing your stomach so constipation and loose stools.
【Dose instruction for tablet one】
15 years old or older: Take three pill for three times per day
Between 5 years old and 14 years old: Take two tablet three times per day
Younger than five years old: Do not take this medicine.
【Dose instruction for powder one】
15 years old or older: Take three spoons three times per day
Between 5 years old and 14 years old: Take two spoons three times per day
Between 3 months old and four years old: Take one spoon three times per day
Younger than three months old: Do not take this medicine.
Medicine for diarrhea

Seirogan has more than 100 years of history.
It has a unique and robust smell so someone might not like this medicine, but it will killing germ and including herbal medicine. Many Japanese travelers carry this one when they travel abroad. This medicine categorized in Class 2 medicine so you can buy many drug store in Japan.
【Good for these symptoms】
Loose stools, diarrhea, stomachache, toothache.
【Dose instruction】
After consuming the food, take the next dose with the water.
Older than 14 years old: Take three pills three times per day.
Between 11 and 14 years old: Take two pills three times per day.
Between 8 and ten years old: Take 1.5 pills three times per day.
Between 5 and seven years old: Take one pill three times per day.
Younger than five years old: Do not take this medicine.
Medicine for constipation
Magnesium Oxide
Magnesium Oxide is gentle and safer medicine.
This one will keep water in the stomach so you should take more water than usual.
Many manufacturers release this medicine, so google it like "Magnesium oxide for constipation."
Takeda Kampo Benpiyaku

This one included Chinese medicine such as Daio and Kanzo. You can take this one for a long time without increasing dose. For constipation medicine that provides for Chinese medicine, this one might make the most famous medicine in Japan. This drug is classed in Class 2 medicine so you can buy this without pharmacist in a drug store.
For 180 tablets pack, you could buy in 2000 JPY~3000JPY.
For 120 pills pack, you could buy this in 1500~2000JPY. And for the smallest package, it contains 65 pills, and the price is 1000JPY~1500JPY.
Constipation, piles, rash, skin problem, and appetite problem.
【Dose instruction】
It depends on how your symptom is severe. You should take this for one time per day before you go to bed with water.
15 years old or older:
Minor constipation (like 2~3 days constipation): 1 pill to 3 pills per day
Severe illness (like more than four days of constipation): 2 capsules to 4 tablets per day.
Five years old ~ 14 years old:
Minor constipation (like 2~3 days constipation): 0.5 pills to 1.5 pills per day
Severe illness (like more than four days of constipation): 1 tablet to 2 tablets per day.
Younger than five years old: Do not take this medicine.
If you have a stomachache, nausea with the above symptom, stop taking this medicine and should see the doctor. Also, do not receive/consume this with other medication that will work for constipation.

Colac is good for chronic constipation. You should use if the magnesium oxide does not work. Cian color box one is mainly using magnesium oxide so please check the box color before you purchase.
This one will stimulate the bowel so you can expect a stronger effect and quick work. However, you cannot take this for a long time since effectiveness will get weaker. You also should take more water than usual when you take this medicine. This medicine classed in Class 2 medicine.
Chronic constipation
Before you go to bed or restroom, take this with water.
Fifteen years old or older: Take two pills per day.
Younger than 15 years old: Do not take this one.
Colac 2 will adjust the amount of water in the bowel so it will enhance effect for constipation, and Colac first is decreasing doses so it will easily fit the impact for you.
Colac 2

Colac 2 is an alternative version of Colac. Not only common effects but also adding adjusting water amount in the bowel so that will get stool softer. However, if you suffered for constipation for a long time even you take this medication, you should see the doctor.
Illness and the symptom that causes from that constipation.
【Dose Instruction】
Before you go to bed or when you are hungry, take the next dose per day with water:
Fifteen years old or older: Take 1~3 pills.
Between 11 years old and 14 years old: Take 1~2 pills.
Eleven years old or younger: Do not take this medicine.
You should try this medicine with one pill for the first time. Also, don't forget to drink water.
Colac First

If the Colac/Colac 2 is working too much for you, or if you are trying Colac series for the first time, you can use Colac First. The ingredients of this medicine are the same as Colac 2. However, the amount of ingredients is half of that so you can easily adjust the doses.
Same with Colac 2
【Dose Instruction】
Before you go to bed or when you are hungry, take the next dose per day with water:
Fifteen years old or older: Take 1~4 pills.
Between 11 years old and 14 years old: Take 1~3 pills.
Eleven years old or younger: Do not take this medicine.
You should try this medicine with one pill for the first time, and you can increase the doses after the following days. Also, don't forget to drink water.
We can't guarantee the effect, just providing information for your convenience.
Generally, the medicine should select that is match with your symptoms, so we encourage you to consult with your doctor, pharmacist, or seller that has registration. Especially if you have some illness, taking other medications, in pregnant or breastfeeding, you should check the documents.
TABI FUN has not any affiliations of these products or companies.