In Japan, Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki can cook in their home, but it is not delicious as much as like restaurant.
In Otafuku Sauce, which is famous for Okonomiyaki sauce distributor, they have the cooking class. It is easy to join, and they will teach us how to cook Okonomiyaki/Takoyaki.
That company headquarter is located in Hiroshima prefecture, but they also have the office in Tokyo so that you can join to class in Tokyo.
These classes attendance fee are less than 1000 JPY(≒9USD), so you may not hesitate to join that!
Joined to Okonomiyaki cooking class
This time, I participate in basic Okonomiyaki class.
It is the primary target for the business person and held from 7 PM to 8:30 PM so I joined that class from after hours.
Attendance fee is 700 JPY(≒6.5USD) per person, and you just have to bring apron and sling(to cover your hair).
The classroom is located near Kiba station and named "Otafuku Tokyo Honbu Okonomiyaki Kensyu Center"(オタフク東京本部 お好み焼き研修センター), so you can walk there about 5 minutes from the station.

At that building, they have a basic class and for business class.
In the first floor, they have the shop, and you can see/purchase their items.

After you register and pay attendance fee at the cashier, move to the 2nd floor and let's get started!
First, you can see a model Okonomiyaki that cooked by the teacher
Utensil and ingredients are already put on each table.
Cabbages are already cut so you can cook Okonomiyaki from now!

This time, we use Okonomiyaki cooking set that distributed by Otafuku Sauce.

At first, the teacher teaches us Okonomiyaki basics and history of Otafuku Sauce and then demonstrate how to make Okonomiyaki.
The instructor will tell us how to cook Okonomiyaki with the fluffy inside and crunchy outside.
After you listen to the instruction, let's start cooking!
Each table starting to make with remembering instruction.
We are joined to this class with four members so split with two members, and make a dough.
Below of these pictures are taken by the writer.

Finally, we are challenging to bake it